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Sunday 20 May 2012

Unit Testing

Unit testing can be broadly classified into 2 categories.
Quantitative Testing
Validate your Source and Target
a) Ensure that your connectors are configured properly.
b) If you are using flat file make sure have enough read/write permission on the file share.
c) You need to document all the connector information.
Analyze the Load Time
a) Execute the session and review the session statistics.
b) Check the Read and Write counters. How long it takes to perform the load.
c) Use the session and workflow logs to capture the load statistics.
d) You need to document all the load timing information.
Analyze the success rows and rejections.
a) Have customized SQL queries to check the source/targets and here we will perform the Record Count Verification.
b) Analyze the rejections and build a process to handle those rejections. This requires a clear business requirement from the business on how to handle the data rejections. Do we need to reload or reject and inform etc? Discussions are required and appropriate process must be developed.
Performance Improvement
a) Network Performance
b) Session Performance
c) Database Performance
d) Analyze and if required define the Informatica and DB partitioning requirements.
Qualitative Testing
Analyze & validate your transformation business rules. More of functional testing.
e) You need review field by field from source to target and ensure that the required transformation logic is applied.
f) If you are making changes to existing mappings make use of the data lineage feature Available with Informatica Power Center. This will help you to find the consequences of Altering or deleting a port from existing mapping.
g) Ensure that appropriate dimension lookup’s have been used and your development is in Sync with your business requirements.


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